Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If your question is not answered here, please use our Contact Us form.
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How to Get Support

Who do I contact with questions about AllCom (EasyTel/Genie)?

Contact AllCom directly at (800) 201-0709.

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Who do I contact with question about registration or information?

To ask questions about your registration or to get general information, use our Contact Us form and select Ordering from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact with question about my subscriptions, CEP Release, or Book of the Month?

To ask questions about your subscriptions or CEP Release, use our Contact Us form and select Shipping from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact with questions about my LOS?

To receive help with your LOS, use our Contact Us form and select LOS from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact with questions about my email?

To receive help with your email, use our Contact Us form and select Email from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact with questions about my website, domains, or Web Office?

To receive technical assistance with your website, domains, or Web Office, use our Contact Us form and select Website Error Message from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact to make changes to my CEP Release or Web Office?

To make changes to your CEP Release:

  1. Rest your cursor on the My Info link on the menu bar
  2. Select My Subscriptions from the drop-down menu
  3. Make your changes, then click Save

To make changes to your Web Office subscription, contact the ILD Global office or use the Contact Us form and select Ordering.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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Who do I contact if my question is not answered here?

If your question is not answered here, please use our Contact Us form and choose Web Usage from the drop-down menu.  Use the Additional Subject field for keywords regarding your issue.

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