A Team Approach to Business Ownership

How does i-commerce differ from other business models? What are ILD Global's primary markets? How do I grow and expand my team? The answers to those questions and many more can be found in our newest tool, A Team Approach to Business Ownership. Imagine you are doing a PI.... you can go to any page of this presentation - perhaps page 4, "The Trillon Dollar Shift" or page 8, "Exclusives/High Margins" - depending on the interest and qualifications of your prospect.
Simplicity and versatility combined with stunning and easy-to-understand graphics and text make this the perfect tool for any ILD Global member looking to expand their team! Want more?
Other ways to do it:

The Team Approach to Business Ownership presentation:

Three ways to use this remarkable new presentation:
  1. *UPDATED! May 2016* Downloadable version: right-click here to download the presentation to your computer (select "Save Target As...." or "Save link as...."). Attach it to an email to a prospect, or use it when you are showing the plan but it is inconvenient to go online.

  2. Team (full web-only) version: Give your prospect your personal ILD Global domain (yourbusinessname.ildglobal.com) and the password Team. This is a great way to present ILD Global remotely when you cannot be with your prospect; they can view the presentation on their own computer, with you guiding them step-by-step on the telephone, or they can view it at their own convenience.

  3. Interview (abbreviated web-only) version: Have limited time, or want to give your prospect just a taste of ILD Global can offer? Give your prospect your personal ILD Global domain (yourbusinessname.ildglobal.com) and the password Interview.
With this new digital presentation, you can provide the most up-to-date information on products, partner stores, financial rankings, and profits efficiently and in real time, confident that the graphics, facts, and figures are in line with accreditation standards.

The Team Approach to Business Brochure: use for full presentations of the Amways Sales & Marketing Plan and is the print version of the the digital online presentation (Team password). 20 pages, sold in packs of 10. Order here!


The Team Approach to Business Trifold: the abbreviated version of the Team Approach brochure, similar to the Interview digital presentation. A perfect supplemental tool to gauge a prospect's interest level, this content-reviewed, accreditation-approved concept piece can also function as a valuable and credible brilliant four-color leave-behind for a qualified individual. Sold in packs of 10. Order here!